Hearing Aids Types & Styles

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We can help you make the right choice of Hearing Aid Styles and right sizes.

At Whisper Audiology Hearing Clinic, we believe that every individual different and so we do not simply choose hearing aid types and styles based on just your test results. We do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach, because every hearing loss and individual is unique. We carry everything from the smallest invisible hearing aids to the most advanced, Bluetooth compatible, rechargeable hearing aids. Whatever your needs, we have a solution for you.

We are proud to be an independently owned and operated hearing clinic. This allows us to work with all the worlds leading hearing aid manufacturers to be able to provide you with the exact hearing solution for your needs.

Hearing Aid Features

Background Noise

Hearing Aids can help to reduce the background noise in loud environments and help focus in on the conversations

Hearing Speech

Optimal speech understanding and localization from all directions, even in the most challenging listening situations

Invisible Sizes

From behind-the-ear to in-the-ear, hearing aids come in all shapes and sizes. Some even invisible

Advanced Technology

Advanced features such as spatial awareness, acoustic motion sensors, soundnav and speechpro are among a few

Smartphone Connectivity

Volume control, tinnitus therapy, answering phone calls can all be done by pairing your smartphone to your hearing aids

Rechargeable Batteries

Most hearing aids now come with a rechargeable option, rather than having to change batteries

Hearing Aid Styles

Invisible Hearing Aid

Invisible hearing aids fit deep into the canal and are smallest sized In-the-Ear styles available. These hearing aids are the best fit for individuals with mild to moderate hearing loss

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StrideITE MiniCanal Directional Beige

Completely In Canal

Completely-in-the-canal (CIC) hearing aids are one of the least visible hearing aid. These hearing aids are custom molded. CIC hearing aids are best for individuals with mild to moderate hearing loss.

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Behind The Ear

Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids fit comfortably behind your ear and are connected to a mold inside your ear canal. BTEs can come in many colors and have a rechargeable option

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Receiver In Canal

Receiver-in-canal (RIC) hearing aids fit behind the ear with the receiver/speaker that sits in the ear canal. They come in many sizes, colors and rechargeable options good for a range of hearing loss levels

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Let us help find the right fit for you.

We offer a wide selection of Hearing Aid Brands.

Contact us Today!

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